Chief Story Teller of Linked Executive Search

Forbes 2022

#1 Search Firm In Texas

Linked, an executive search firm headquartered in Dallas, TX, has been serving clients since 2008. We fill hard-to-fill positions and deliver concrete results for your business.

Our approach includes hands-on coaching and advice, and our consistent presentation of exceptional candidates has resulted in an over 90% client return rate. With more than 50 years of management experience, the firm’s team members are hiring managers by profession.


“He was always able to understand the quirky restraints and difficulties about our company in terms of being a family business. He was able to communicate that to our candidates and also filter out candidates who maybe looked good on paper but wouldn’t have been a good fit for our company.”

“I would absolutely recommend Kurt for two reasons: his results and the fact that he’s not constrained by some of the stereotypical, cookie cutter mindset of other recruiters. This is key: Kurt is very much not a come-and-go recruiter. He invested the time to get to know me.”

"We spent a lot of time with other recruiters and posting jobs on the Internet, but Kurt is quite talented at what he does and that’s why he’s successful. He has a network of really valuable people and somehow he’s able to find qualified people to do the jobs in the area where the businesses are, so you don’t need to relocate people."

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